27 December 2009


Remember when I wrote about surprises? And then I posted about Ben's...
Well I never got around to revealing my surprise. So here it is:


I have it upon good sources (see below)
that the first wedding anniversary is represented by PAPER.

So, after one year, I decided it was appropriate that I officially change my name on PAPER.
(I was Knudsen to him, and Sister Knudsen at church, but I had nothing official.)
You may recall that changing Juárez was kind of an issue for me.
But I also am very in favor of taking on Ben's name and all that it represents.

Also, I thought it meant lots to him. One of my favorite memories during our engagement was coming to visit at his house while he did stuff on the computer. He casually mentioned,
"It really hit me today when I put your future name into the honeymoon travel plans. I thought—she's taking on my name. That's kind of big."

(quoted to the best of my recollection)

So, enough excuses about school being more simple if I kept Juárez. I set to work.
(But in order to keep it secret, I did it on my breaks from my "real work"):

First, I had to acquire a new Marriage License because I don't recall ever seeing our first one. Good for me, the County Courthouse was between my work and my house at the time.

(had fun running into cousin Katie there who was changing her name!)

Second, I had to wait in line at Social Security where my mom works. But due to security, she couldn't hook me up so I ate lunch while I waited for my number to be called just like everyone else. However, Mom did witness me sign my new name for the first official time.

Then I could change my name on my Driver License.
This worked out because I needed a new license for scooter-riding anyway.
So a few lunch breaks involved trips to DMV, written/driving tests, safety & emissions tests, etc.
Sadly, they had to take a new picture and they didn't let me keep
my old license with the picture I loved so much.
(Photo shows a Traffic Ticket instead of my license because they'd kept my permit by accident at the DMV.
That's right: A day after getting my scooter license, I got a warning ticket a block away from my house for not coming to a complete stop at a right-turn red light...)

With my new Social Security card, I could officially change my name at BYU.
I needed a new ID there anyway because they were making everyone change.
I was ready for that new picture though. ;)

My bank made it easy. Somehow I could walk in with my documents
and they could give me a new debit and credit card on the spot.

Nu Skin was easy too. No new picture needed, just documents to HR,
then a swap for a new badge, and the IT people set up my new Knudsen work email in a jiffy.


On the night before our Road Trip, I sat on the floor to put it all together as you've seen above.
I also included the classic married-name-signature-practice, a photo from our beginning
(and ticket stub from our first August 5: the Beck concert in 2002),
and a photo from our eternal beginning...

The names in black stickers on the "file cards" are various names (some nicknames) for me.
The last name shown above is the noteworthy new one... The box to contain it all was a cheap ebay order in reference to a desk he made in high school with a similar roll-back cover. Papá helped me spray paint it and Maya lent me some nail polish to decorate.

I wrapped it up and Ben opened it that night in Vernal. Suffice it to say I enjoyed making it a lot more than he enjoyed receiving it. He just said he didn't care much if I didn't change my name.


Oh, well. It sure made for a good-n-long blog post.

23 December 2009


*also scroll down to december 20th to read about who turned 22

22 December 2009


Before Finals and even before Korea, Nu Skin asked me to design for the annual Sub for Santa campaign. I got to bypass the typical clip art or stock photography route, and instead, I got paid

to draw.

and i drew elves:

the ornaments/tags people took to donate

elevator ads. i love elevator ads.

and this was a giant poster...

I hope I can get paid to have this much fun for the rest of my life.


21 December 2009


I think I forgot how to blog. I'm just going to say that up front.

But I want to give a shout-out to awesome friends and family. Without them, I very well would be dead.

Listen to how blessed I am (brag-blog-alert):

Throughout the gross weeks of Finals (yes, in BYU graphic design, we basically have two weeks of finals. If you want a detailed explanation, I can explain in person...), we received:

  • FROM ASHLEY: Superfood! Not the Naked brand. No, only the best from Ashley: Odwalla brand. I savored it in little sips over the course of a late night and a long day.
  • FROM DEVIN: Red pepper hummus, blue corn tortilla chips, blueberry-pomegranate sparkling lemonade, and guacamole from Sunflower. Yes, the beverage was as good as it sounds.
  • FROM JENNY: String Cheese, sunflower seeds, Tillamook cheddar bite-size slices, Vitamin Water, and clementines! Those sunflower seeds were miracle-workers for staying awake night after night. And Tillamook and clementines some of the best orange foods ever.

  • FROM SEAN, MOM & PAPá: Rides, jumps, and car-loanings when our Protogé-5 went possessed and turned itself on and jumped a curb into a snow bank while we were in school, all in the middle of Finals. This kindness has continued until now. We are still waiting for the dealer to say they're ready for our pretty penny. (Well, actually more like one hundred sixty thousand pennies...)

  • FROM YOU TRUE FRIENDS: Your comments on my last post kept me going. I could get the email that told me what you commented, and it would satisfy my craving to look at blogs. Just for a bit. I'm ready to feed my cravings more than ever while at Nu Skin.
and, speaking of Nu Skin
  • FROM MY EMPLOYER: A Christmas bonus, the Christmas gift of $100 Costco Gift Card and a Nu Skin-engraved iPod shuffle, and another Christmas bonus, and letting me work such skimpy hours during Finals with a smile and a "That's totally fine!"

Thanks to everyone, we finished our last ChristmasFinals and lived to thank about it. { To celebrate on Friday night, we made a reservation at Communal, then canceled it to eat in our own backyard at Bombay House, then fell asleep to a movie. Mmmm...}

*I forgot how to blog because I misplaced all the nice little notes from Ashley, Devin and Jenny. I was going to post them here, but too bad. No pictures. So now Michelle won't read this...

01 December 2009


My classmates and I have been really into this lately:

We have two more weeks of work that might just be more hellish than my 12-hour plane ride to Korea in the back row in the middle next to Korean strangers.

But I think I figured something out: You can help me resist the urge to waste time blogging by commenting! Because if there's something new (comments) everyday, I won't feel I "need" to post something new, right? At least not until after school is over...

So pretty please. If you're not usually a comment-er, you can just type one word.
And if you've already seen it, just tell me your favorite part. And if I don't know you, even better.

Contribute to a good cause by commenting? So easy! :)

26 November 2009

R. I. P.

(Well, one of them is somewhere in Seoul; the other is here with me, but what can I do with just one?)


in other news, we shared a wonderful traditional thanksgiving with the missionaries.

and tonight, we hit the streets of Myeong-dong for 12-inch mango cones and glasses for Ben.
(But Ben and I threw away our cones after a few licks. They weren't very flavorful).

*Notice that Ben's strawberry cone matches his new fucia Uniqlo zip hoodie. And the giant rainbow place is where he got his glasses... pictures of his new frames to come...

24 November 2009


O, heeeeere we are together, together, together:

Ben is wearing Kurt's awesome tie, and I am a shorty-pants.

Ben played RingAroundTheRosies after the Temple session.

This is Pen Heaven where I almost fainted.
(Really. I really felt light-headed).

Mom gave me some special pen orders for the family, so I bought LOTS!
The ladies had to scan each of the 108 pens individually!
(Check out their uniforms, and my bald spot/scar from the 1999 Family Move)

Ben has made some awesome purchases. (Panda hat being one of them) But he held back on this red BYU sweat-shirt-dress and settled for just a good photo.

All this is not to mention the Japanese tape, MUJI, UNIQLO, the AMAZING missionary lesson where I was crying the whole time and missing my mission, glass milk cartons, inside-out salt shakers, fabric paper, turquoise nail polish, giant asian pears, fabric stickers, every color of felt, and pleated or polka-dot hole ribbon.

But none of it compares to being with Korean Knudsens again!

(For up-to-date images, click on the Master Father Blogger)

16 November 2009


(I know I have a load of things to do right now, but I'm telling myself I deserve to blog right now. I can hear some sort of authority in my head saying something like I never can deserve anything in this life; I think in the context of Christ, and my eternal debt. But still, for lack of a better word, I deserve this blog therapy right now.)

We got to school around 8 tonight, with the intention of staying for a good late night of homework. The Aytch-Eff-Ay-See, as Ben likes to call it, (H-FAC to the rest of us) closes at 11, but late passes are available by endorsement of a teacher. Ben spends so much time with me there that the Security Guard girl now considers him one of the rest of the design students with late passes.


Tonight we sat in a room not endorsed by the late pass. So at 11, Security Guard Girl asked us to pack up and move two doors down to the BFA studio. But it was full. It turns out there were 13 other students just as dedicated to the night of homework that we were. We awkwardly walked in, then walked out; there was no room in the Inn. But really it's probably better this way, the BFA studio is probably not for married people after all. We're the only marrieds that ever really stay late. (The others must know how to be productive at home or something?)

Ben and I are trying it. We each have a little desk in our "work room". Ben was a dear and, to make my small corner more inviting (after my mumble of complaint), he lit two candles for me. Now I'm so happy and comfortable, how can I not just write about it? I was just rejected from the Inn, I deserve to write.

I'm connecting my random thoughts on a theme: Gratitude (it's November).

I'm grateful for Ben being a dear. After compiling this flora to the beauty above, Ben did me a favor of gathering my school bag, and bringing me the car in exchange for the brrrr! scooter I took to work. After a full day of work then class, I came home to a clean house and dinner on the table. Parmesan salad, spiced hamburgers, spaghetti squash, then egg nog and fruit snacks for dessert. He was so happy and hot. He made good jokes all evening, and I asked him why I loved him so much today.

I'm grateful for my passport. I know, I already told you I found it, but was it anticlimactic for you too? (Ben mentioned, two minutes after finding it, "That place was kind of anticlimactic.") I don't know if you realize the miracle. I was pushed to the very edge. I had looked everywhere for days, then I made all the calls, looked up the online info, filled out the proper forms and printed them out. I had a folder with all the prices and phone numbers and appointments and requirements. I wondered if it was silly to make the post about it. But if I hadn't, Ashley would never have known of my dilemma, so she never would have chatted me with the long list of unthinkable places, mentioning 'endtable' in passing, and I might never have thought to open the bottom drawer on my way to bed. Now, Korea's stamp will be in the same book as England, Germany, France, and the Czech and Dominican Republics. And I can buy stationeries and pens and things in Seoul. I think of the analogy that the Lord requires us to take a few steps into the dark before he'll light the way. I'm grateful He lit the way after my steps in the dark.

I'm grateful for Nu Skin. In the past 2 weeks, the Nu Skin has payed me to taste nearly every item on Communal's lunch menu, to golf for 5 hours, and to draw elves with wide faces all day long. Not to mention: they pay me to get internship credit hours at school. One day I'll show you what Nu Skin pays me to design.

Oh, and this whole time Ben deserved to look for new Christmas music with the $30 of iTunes gift cards from none other than our good friend Nu Skin.

Now we are cracking down on homework. Nothing can stop us.

10 November 2009


I'm sorry. I lied. I said I checked every drawer. I really thought I'd checked every drawer.

But I must not have checked inside the bottom endtable drawer (yes, I think I checked the top drawer), under the Sacrament talk papers, under the Bonds That Make Us Free book, under the Goonies DVD. At some point, months ago, I must have known a box or bag or bin was not a good place for a passport, so I put it in an undeniably safe place—even safe from myself.

Special thanks to ALL prayers, the blog, and Ashley Thalman who racked her brain over a good 30-min chat with me so I could rack my brain. I'd checked many places she suggested, but still had a new list to check when we were done.

The endtable was one of them. It's been sleeping next to me this whole time.

Korea and Knudsens: Here I come!

09 November 2009


Did anybody else get this in the mail today?


And, is anyone a passport expert? I spent the weekend looking in every box, bag, envelope, folder, bin, drawer, closet, bin, cupboard, car, and in every logical place and illogical place

for my passport.

And no luck.

My flight for Korea leaves in 10 days.

The Passport place in Provo said to pay $160 there, then take a sealed envelope to the travel broker in SLC, where for another $185, they might be able to get me a passport in less than 14 days. I told the lady that I have a 5-hour layover in San Francisco, and family there, but she said it would still be 14 days from there. What about the rumors that you can walk in to the office in San Francisco, and come out an hour later with a passport?

Anyone? HELP! I will pay the $345 because it's better than no Korea,
but if anyone knows the system in San Francisco, I wonder if I should aim for that.

And if you don't know, please just pray.

Thank you.

07 November 2009



It's kind of like this:
"(He) knew that you would face challenges
and be required to make some decisions that would
be beyond your own ability to decide correctly.

Here's more.

05 November 2009


Photo taken on 8 October, 2005. What? It's been four years?
Devin is still that photogenic.


I used to love saying that "Devin and I have been friends since we were born."
For our growing-up years, we'd only see each other every several months.
I remember it always took us a bit to warm up to each other,
but by the time it was time to go, we'd never be ready to separate.

Then after high school, we never really had to seperate. We were together at DT (RIP),
where she introduced me to her friends as her "fake cousin."
Appropriate, I thought. Her family is basically part of my Mom's family,
not to mention several other life-long significant connections.
The next three years of living together turned fake-cousin-ship to deeper friendship.

Happy 25th Birthday | a month ago | Devin Ann!
Thanks for your constant initiative to keep that friendship going! You're ever o-so on top of it!

04 November 2009










03 November 2009

Happy Birthday Ashley!

I love this song but not as much as I love you!


please forgive the bluriness; i tried FOREVER to fix it. click to enlarge for clarity.

02 November 2009


School during Halloween = my favorite Halloweenisms unfulfilled.
(i.e. corn maze, pumpkin carving, apple cider, roasted pumpkin seeds, playing in leaves)
But one long-time Halloween Dream did come true this year:

I got to be Frida.

Special Thanks to Elisa for helping conceive the idea o-so-long ago.
Special Thanks to Casidy for providing me the opportunity to dress up for something.

More Special Thanks to Hus-Ben for joining me.

01 November 2009


Thanks to the dear ones who said you miss me. I miss the blog(s).

Too bad I let blogging turn into another one of those always-behind-in-and-trying-to-
things. I could just let it be what it is and help relieve me of the stress and yuck building up from the rest of those a-b-i-a-t-t-c-u-o things.

So I'm trying again.

But special sorry's to those I've disappointed: most particularly the birthday peoples. (You see, I think that's why I didn't do birthday shout-outs in the first place, because how was I ever going to keep up? And what if I missed someone without knowing it? Guess what: I did. Dear Deborah thought I was going to tell all about the wonderful influence she's had on me and even my hobbies to this day, but alas, I let her down! And that's only accounting for the soul that was brave enough to tell me that I skipped her. So, we'll see if I can't make up for that too.

As an update in general, schoolwork is still hard, but I still love school mates and class content and learning. I've chosen handwriting as my subject of research for the next year, and the basis for my BFA Final Show, (currently scheduled for the first weeks of May; mark your calendars). I'm loving it, though still hating the never-sleep lifestyle, and always being behind.

My True Love has been supportive as ever. Thanks, Dear.

Adrian, my Australian professor for design, wrote this line on the board at the beginning of class. He asked what we thought and I blurted,"The story of my life!" I copied it with my Sarasas in my sketchbook.
I'm working on replacing fear with faith.

12 September 2009


Like 3 weeks ago, two miracles happened and I selfishly didn't share them.

No blog-time anymore because I had to spend most of it trying and failing to edit the layout of the blog and then reverting and refreshing all my bad edits. (see previous post)

In summary:

MIRACLE #1: After over 5 years of no boating of any kind -- specifically no wakeboarding, I slipped in the water with a wakeboard and got up the first time with no trouble maneuvering in and out of the wake. It was probably to the water's credit. The lake was just glass.

MIRACLE #2: After a whole day of boating, and after sending the picture-text to Ben of the wake-boarding miracle, as per his request, I stepped off the boat onto the dock while my phone jumped from my pocket through the 3-inch gap between the boat and the dock. About ten minutes later, and several merky-water dives of mine and my boss, he came up with it in his hand. It was vibrating non-stop as if in shock. I took the poor battery out, and later put the phone in a 100° oven. That night, I tried again, and the phone worked. Still does.

*special thanks to Nu Skin for paying me for these miracles. Rah! Rah! Team off-site!


I've longed to make this blog look the way I want it. I AM a designer, you know. But all the knowledge I gained in the web class has since been flushed from my memory. The html, xhtml, CSS... I barely remember what the acronymns mean.

If you hadn't noticed, the blog's been a little all-over the place lately. (If you're reading through READER, consider yourself lucky).

It's because I'm convinced I can teach myself how to fix what I want and how to do it without having to ask anyone. I have the internet. I can simply Google everything I want and learn, right? WRONG. And I just need to admit that. And it's kind of hard. I don't know how to put big pictures on the blog, and give the header more room, and tighten the leading (uh-oh, see my pride? I'm wanting to use fancy design terms to make myself sound more savvy) and I have been to stubborn to ask anyone because I figured I could do it easier myself.

But, with my tail between my legs, I ask any and all of you: Is there a way to post big pictures without using Photobucket, Picasa, or changing the width in the html of the post every time? There are more questions, but that's all my pride can handle for now I think...

07 September 2009


Now I'm at school. Ben's idea. We already have homework catch-up to do even after the first week. But we're both hopeless. We've both done a share of homework. But I'd say 80% of our 3 hours so far has been our own internet wants. Sports for him. Blogs and Gmail for me.

I think it's official. I need a creative outlet. Blogging is serving that need. I don't think I can get on to school stuff (which, being a Graphic Design major, really should be a creative outlet in itself) without just 'letting it out'. What is it? I don't know. But it's just going to help, ok?


Thanks to long-lost middle school pal Caitlyn for my first real haircut in over 5 years. Yes. I know. I won't bore you with the details, but it was bad. I think this is a good sign though. My new step was layers, so really the change isn't that drastic when you see me, but this means that there could be good things in the future. Coloring? And maybe actually doing it? Or maybe I really should just be comfortable with my wash-n-wear self. Caitlyn was. Thanks again for your help. It was great to catch up and make so many crazy connections.

While running through Smith's grocery for ground lamb and feta at midnight, I happened to walk down the seasonal isle. I LOVED IT. I don't know why I love Halloween so much but I do. For some reason, it reminds me of Ben. My best Halloween memories are with Ben. Including, our first date. I'm excited for Fall and sweaters and football games.

Aah, yes. Football games. Somewhere along my Visual Arts education, and probably because my boy was overseas, I lost a football-going gene. I come from a family of avid fans. And growing up in Provo, it was a part of my fun high school memories to go to the BYU football games. It's not that important within the walls of the Department of Visual Arts. And I have been that exemplar for years. But Ben knocked some sense back into me. Late in the summer, he proposed the All-Sports pass. It is our last year here. I agreed. I am determined to not let education get in the way of school. I'm going to the football games and I'm going to enjoy them.

Just like I enjoyed Saturday's game. Along with the rest of Mormónlandia. Go Coug's.

Another biggie: This week I (and my very helpful, always-willing family) made some business cards for these peeps. I made them on a 12x18 C&P letterpress, that is mine. It was voyage #2. If you didn't see maiden voyage, go talk to Ashley. She's in-part responsible for my baby being up and running. Almost one whole year later, when I was missing a BYU football game in order to move it. You try moving 2000 awkward pounds from SLC to Provo. It was hard.

But it was worth it. I'm excited to steadily move along and use Ms. Letterpress. But she needs a better name. Suggestions? I don't know how I can fit that in with school and work, but I'm going to try.

Photos soon to come for both projects.

Soon. to. come.
(I know, Jayne, but how else are you going to read it like I mean it?)

Typophile Film Festival 5 Opening Titles from Brent Barson on Vimeo.

Finally, on the subject of creative outlets and graphic design, this is a product of the pure love of typography. Over the summer, I was luckily invited to spend time on a project headed by one of our teachers. We created an opening credits/intro video for the Typophile Film Festival. This is year FIVE for them, so we based the video off the FIVE senses. We were given some typefaces to work with and took on the challenge to create everything--as much as we could WITHOUT the computer. So type was made of plastic, wood, clay, metal, incense, Jell-O, squash, potatoes, ham, etc. and we moved it around with mostly stop-motion. I wish I could sit with you as you watch and tell you all that went into everything, and what I hot-glued together, and the starring role of my Kool-aid-style pitcher, and my hands. (My hands got the part because I am brown, and diversity was preferred.)

03 September 2009


Like a typewriter I'm just going to write because that's what this blog is for me.* A place to write & document (with photos, when the time permits); especially when it's not happening by way of journal or photo album.

Sad. But true.


A Favorite: Typing away while Loved One naps beside me. But not just beside me, but touching me with his whole backside. I like the connection.

Last Sunday: In the dark I was with Loved One as he pulled to the side of the road beneath some Rain Trees to collect their pods. Branches and bunches of pods to include in the next morning's floral arrangement. Smart of him and oh-so fun.

This week: School. I was dreading it. All I could remember was the no time for anything else, the spreading myself thin, the feeling guilty for pausing to enjoy something other than homework. But this week I'm feeling all the good: the excitement of learning, the camaraderie within my class. (15 of us, all together - for 3 classes in a row that last all day long. Not to mention my English class--which takes me back to my days of typical lectures - but feeling so intrigued by the rhetorical questions and loving the exploration of the class discussion. And, loving writing. I'm glad I love writing.

The scooter: Like an ignorant disgrace, I never let the world of this blog know about the new addition to our family. Sorry. There will be an entire post on its birth and childhood (this summer), but the scooter is now in its prime-of-life now that it serves as our campus shuttle. Ben recently said with such emotion (when Ben shows emotion, it means something): "Can I just tell you how great it is to have a scooter!?" It's true. "You can do whatever you want!" Like go home for lunch if you want because you know you don't have to use the time of walking up to the car, driving home, driving back, parking and walking back down to campus. Or zoom past the big line waiting for pedestrians to turn left within the 8am parking lot. But, we need helmets. Shall we ask for donations?

Moneys: There are a few big things that have stripped us from funds. Tuition for Ben is one thing. (Special thanks to Olivia for being Multicultural so she can have a scholarship) AND our dive into newlywed travel across the world to KOREA. Yes! Another topic deserving a post of its own! Over Thanksgiving, we are excited to join Kurt & Becky in their mission land. However, with the transition of school, Ben has quit Blade HQ and I'm earning part-time at the Knuskin. It's scary and new but I'm excited for this time of employing alternative ways to earn and ways to save. Ideas?

*So how lame that I can't get over analyzing the why of this blog. I brought it up a while ago. Maybe more than once. It was all after Ben insisted it was all a competition. Then I learned Brian Collins' purpose was that designers have blogs that they might improve their writing skills, which we often lack. Then Brent said it was imperative that everyone have some sort of presence on the World Wide Interweb. (These are not direct quotes). But I like what all of you shared too. There are many different reasons, though I was looking for one universal reason why everyone should have a blog. I may still continue this, but for me, it is a journal. And for me, it has always been a shame that I write a journal if no one is to read it. That's why I'd gather my siblings as a 6th grader and read to them from my 1st grade life. Why write if it goes unread? Well I suppose writing is therapeutic for the writer sometimes... And yadda, yadda, yadda. Hmmm... maybe I smell a BFA topic.

21 August 2009


Yes, as my mother hinted below, our Anniversary Road Trip was somewhat of a Temple-tour. Though we only did 2 sessions, but they at temples (and towns) we'd never before visited. I loved it. I suggested a temple-visit for our anniversary a while ago, but even I had forgotten. Thank you, Ben for remembering and planning!

A favorite part was Ben's itinerary. He spent some good time typing it up-all organized with addresses and contacts in one document. He marked each new city with an explanation point:

Vernal! Park City! Logan! Salt Lake City!

We saw LOTS of petunias EVERYWHERE in Vernal, along with fascinating dinosaurs in the museum. I got a $1 navy leather purse at the local D.I. and we slipped into the Vernal Temple that was built first as a tabernacle in 1907. The Stockman's restaurant here was a tad better than the one in Manti...

The next day, we did lunch & gallery strolling on Main Street in Park City, then had no trouble using about $200 in gift cards for back-to-school clothes at the outlets. The drives through the canyons were gorgeous, though we were puzzled by the hazy fog. We later learned it was smoke from the wildfires... turning the sun to an unusual sight.

Logan seemed all-too unfamiliar, considering I lived there one Summer and spent many holidays and weekends there in my childhood. (in the home of Mama Jose & Papa 'Ses). Ben was most excited for this town's dining -- an Italian place called Le Nonne. I enjoyed my ravioli very much in the little house-turned-restaurant. Crème brûlée too! The Logan Temple was just up the hill; a grand sight at night. It was the next morning that we swam through the wedding crowds for our own session inside. (It's such a cool-looking temple, eh? Not so much on inside tho).

Due to Mom's note/tip, we stopped in Brigham City on the way back down for a MADDOX lunch (including good rolls and corn pones, raspberry butter, and chicken fried bison. Go fig!) and Peach City Peaches across the street. Yes, they were the best peaches, just as she said.

In Salt Lake City we stayed at the very most colorful "HOTEL MONACO" - an adventure in itself. A nap was in order, and then strolling around. We woke and Ben was gracious enough to join me at the Salt Lake City Farmer's Market, and the First Annual Craft Lake City. We also joined Bryners at their new basement home and attempted to help them move in. We returned home early and happy and with one year under our belt.


Thanks Ben, for your patience. My parents tell me I was never the emotional teenager they expected. But somehow I think that meant I became the emotional wife that I never expected. Luckily Ben still loves me. (Thank goodness he met me as that teenager!) And I love him. Happy marriage.